Well, perhaps it was a bit too ambitious of me to attempt posting more in three weeks than I had in the last few months combined. So, consider this a dump of the last five days of Christmas posts. I have at 7 a.m. flight tomorrow morning--and if you still have shopping to do, you probably don't have time to listen to me wax rhapsodic about certain gifts anyway--so I'm going to keep this fairly brief. And focused on me.
Day 8: HD Buttercup is the ABC Home of San Francisco, and on one Saturday afternoon when I spent several hours in the store, I vowed to find somewhere to put this fuzzy stool (the store has one with a white base that would look even better in my apartment). I know just the place; it would make a loving nook for my iPhone, which currently sleeps, sadly, on the floor next to my bed.
Day 9: One of my favorite coworkers is totally a shopping enabler, hence why she's one of my favorites. She almost talked me into this Rebecca Taylor bouclé moto jacket, impractical for its color yet totally SF-friendly in its weight. I talked myself out of it...for now.
Day 10: I've been wanting to try Rodin Olio Lusso for ages; it has a huge cult following, and I'm forever in search of something that will give me that I'm-so-rich-I-slept-for-14-hours glowy skin. Not sure if it's the answer, but this lovely little gift set will at least let me do a test run (minus the 14 hours of sleep).
Day 11: I am pretty much obsessed with knuckle rings--I think my goal is to eventually have them on every finger (or at least three per hand). Williamsburg's own Catbird makes the best; here in SF, they sell them at Azalea on Hayes Street, but you can always go straight to the source.
Day 12: To me, there's no greater luxury than having one's hair blown out. If I may confess, the fact that there's a Drybar 4 blocks from my apartment may have had some bearing on the fact that I took it. I have yet to become a regular there, but now that I've received at least one gift certificate, I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day Seven: Pamela Barsky Pouches
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day 6: B&O Play BeoPlay H6 Headphones
Monday, December 16, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day Five: Corkcicle
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Three months in San Francisco and I've become a total wine snob. Words like "varietal" and "estate" have crept into my vocabulary, and I'm actually considering investing in a wine fridge to keep my babies, er, my collection temperature controlled. Speaking of temperature, I've come to realize what an important role this plays in wine drinking; I've learned that lighter reds (like pinot noirs) are supposed to be served a tiny bit chilled (i.e. straight from the cellar) and that many wines, white or red, can go bad if they overheat. Lest you commit a faux pas while drinking with fellow connoisseurs, there's the Corkcicle. Keep this genius BPA-free device in your freezer, then pop it into the next bottle of wine you open--it lowers reds to the perfect drinking temperature and keeps whites chilled even in summer or at the longest dinner party ever (or during San Franciscans' favorite activity, picnicking). It's reusable, easily transportable, and a mere $25. Friends of mine who drink wine (which, um, is like all of you), you can pretty much expect to receive one of these from me this year. In vino veritas!
Holiday 2013 gift guide
12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day Four: Shinola Runwell Watch
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day Three: Tegu Blocks
Monday, December 09, 2013

Holiday 2013 gift guide,
Tegu blocks
12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day Two: J.Crew Pajamas
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Of the many things I hate about winter, perhaps the worst is forced-steam heat, otherwise known as radiator heat, which most buildings in New York City have the misfortune of using. Not only is it loud and clanging, but it manages to turn your apartment into a sweatbox, drying out your hair and skin and making it next to impossible to sleep. Here in San Francisco, however, I am in full control of my heat--it's a strip along my bedroom wall that I can turn on and off as I wish--and because I'm enjoying the eternal Good Sleeping Weather here, I have yet to actually use it. (I might the next few nights, however, as it's supposed to dip into the 30s, which is causing everyone here to FREAK OUT, as they tend to do when the weather is anything but 65 degrees and partly sunny.) I sleep on top of a featherbed, underneath a down comforter, and I'm as happy as a clam...except I'm maybe a little bit cold. I think what will rectify this situation is a pair of old-school pajamas--a button-down top and a drawstring bottom. I've been scoping them out, and so far my favorites are at J.Crew: the vintage pajama set for her or the slim cotton poplin pajama set for him. Both are clean and simple with contrast piping and supersoft fabric; most importantly, if you order by 12/13, you can get them monogrammed for just $10 (and you all know how I feel about slapping one's initials on stuff). But the best thing about old-school pajamas is that they can work for so many people--I can picture these on everyone from my dad to my best friend. And maybe on myself--one for you, one for me, right?
Holiday 2013 gift guide,
12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Day One: Barneys Holiday 2013 Beauty Box
Monday, December 02, 2013
I'm shaking things up a bit this year with my gift guide. Having left New York three months ago, I haven't been attending press previews and market appointments and thus am not totally spilling forth with gift ideas for everyone on your list. Instead, this year I'm going to pick twelve great gifts and expound upon what makes them so wonderful. They might not come every day, but I promise I'll be done by Christmas (which, side note, is just three weeks away). Let's start shopping!
Today is Cyber Monday, which, if you have an email address, you are likely aware; I think I had 152 messages in my "shopping" filter by the time I got to work at 9 a.m. Cyber Monday got its yucky name from the common wisdom that people start their holiday shopping online once they're back at work the Monday after Thanksgiving (this term was apparently coined in the dark days when people didn't have computers at home and used words like "cyber"). It has evolved into a barrage of one screaming deal after another, and if you're a bargain hunter, it's certainly a good time to shop. For the record, I only bought one thing today, mostly because I was overwhelmed and turned off; I felt like the drunk girl in the bar at 1:45 a.m.
So as an anthesis to all that, today's gift is something that was not discounted and likely will never be: Meet the Barneys New York 2013 Holiday Beauty Box. Filled with a generous sampling of some of the best names from Barneys' beauty department, the box features mainstays like Creme de Mer and Kiehl's avocado eye cream, cult favorites like Koh Gen Doh cleansing water and Lipstick Queen lipstick, limited-edition products from Bobbi Brown and Jay-Z, plus particularly intriguing fragrance sample sets from Le Labo and Eccentric Molecule. If this was the only gift I got for Christmas, I'd probably be ok with that; considering it's $850, I think it literally would be, if everyone with whom I exchange gifts pooled their money and maybe robbed a bank too. The irony is that the beauty box technically is a bargain--according to the description, it's an $1800 value. But, like beauty (oh, see what I did just there?), maybe bargains are in the eye of the beholder.
Today is Cyber Monday, which, if you have an email address, you are likely aware; I think I had 152 messages in my "shopping" filter by the time I got to work at 9 a.m. Cyber Monday got its yucky name from the common wisdom that people start their holiday shopping online once they're back at work the Monday after Thanksgiving (this term was apparently coined in the dark days when people didn't have computers at home and used words like "cyber"). It has evolved into a barrage of one screaming deal after another, and if you're a bargain hunter, it's certainly a good time to shop. For the record, I only bought one thing today, mostly because I was overwhelmed and turned off; I felt like the drunk girl in the bar at 1:45 a.m.
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