Happy Holidays from Cheryl Shops!
I don't know about you, but the holidays make me a little crazy. Maybe it's all the alcohol and rich food, maybe it's having to shop for people other than myself (I kid! That's the most fun part!), maybe it's the expectation that you be full of mirth and merriment when all you really want to do is put on your pajamas, have a glass of wine (or, um, a bottle), and curl up on the couch and watch The Notebook. So I can kind of empathize with what's happening in the Spears family right now. Oh, what's that? You haven't heard? Jamie-Lynn Spears is pregnant. That would be Britney's 16-year-old sister. And, yep, to paraphrase Madonna, she's keeping the baby.
Ladies, consider this my public-service announcement to you. Now, I know you are all smart, capable women--you're lawyers, investment bankers, writers, nonprofit administrators, doctors--but maybe you have a little sister or even a friend who needs a little guidance. If so, please refer them to this page that explains their birth-control options. Or, if you have some last-minute gift shopping to do for your girlfriends, perhaps you'd consider making a donation to Planned Parenthood in their name instead. 'Cause this abstinence-only thing that the Bush administration has been pushing for the last seven years? It's clearly not working!
Okay, now that I've aired my politics, it's time for me to take a little break from Cheryl Shops. I am headed out to Chicago soon for the holidays, but I will be back in the new year, so please come visit me soon. And in the meantime, this year's post-Christmas sales are supposed to kick ass, and, in fact, retailers are already marking stuff down like crazy. So go, shop, and be merry, but if you need a break, don't be afraid to bust out the pajamas and the wine and the schmaltzy DVDs. Happy holidays, everyone!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Worst. Finale. Ever.
In spite of her fabulous photographs and endearingly odd general behavior, I knew Heather was not going to win America's Next Top Model, but even so, I completely lost interest once she was gone (and I have a feeling other viewers did too, because Heather, who was voted "Cover Girl of the week" in every episode except the first, was even the winner the week after she left). But even before she left, it was pretty obvious to me that Saleisha was going to win, all because of one comment Tyra made, which was that she wasn't going to go easy on Saleisha just because she went to Tyra's T-Zone camp. Which, of course, meant exactly the opposite. So the episodes leading up to the finale were just as slow, drawn-out, and unsurprising as the finale itself. Bianca was obviously too bitchy to win and Jenah was too sarcastic (god forbid ANTM's winner should not be Mary Sunshine!); and while Chantal put up a good fight, she as well as everyone else knew it was curtains for her when she took out that poor dude on stilts.
Speaking of which, I know most of the finale fashion shows in the past have been staged especially for the show, but this one was particularly cheese-tastic. "Tyra Banks has arrived!" Um, because the 1,000 Chinese extras couldn't tell? Also, did anyone notice that during the final call, there were like 8 models in the entire show? Including Jaslene? I cringed the entire time.
I will allow that Saleisha's walk was better than Chantal's, but that could actually be due to the fact that Saleisha was a professional model even before the show--she's appeared on a different season of ANTM, Tyra's talk show, and a Wendy's commercial. Because there's nothing more High Fashion than a Frosty and a Double with Cheese.
So here's my question--we all have known for a while that while the winner of the show becomes America's Next Top Model, she doesn't exactly become America's next top model. She basically needs to be congenial, accessible, and somewhat photogenic. So, knowing this, why hasn't a plus-size model won yet? I know what usually happens is that the one plus-size girl realizes she can't compete with a bunch of size 2's and then subsequently gives up, but don't you think that Tyra could go a little easier on them? On second thought, I think I might have just answered my own question.
ANTM will be back in February. Thankfully, we have Project Runway to entertain us in the meantime...

Speaking of which, I know most of the finale fashion shows in the past have been staged especially for the show, but this one was particularly cheese-tastic. "Tyra Banks has arrived!" Um, because the 1,000 Chinese extras couldn't tell? Also, did anyone notice that during the final call, there were like 8 models in the entire show? Including Jaslene? I cringed the entire time.
I will allow that Saleisha's walk was better than Chantal's, but that could actually be due to the fact that Saleisha was a professional model even before the show--she's appeared on a different season of ANTM, Tyra's talk show, and a Wendy's commercial. Because there's nothing more High Fashion than a Frosty and a Double with Cheese.
So here's my question--we all have known for a while that while the winner of the show becomes America's Next Top Model, she doesn't exactly become America's next top model. She basically needs to be congenial, accessible, and somewhat photogenic. So, knowing this, why hasn't a plus-size model won yet? I know what usually happens is that the one plus-size girl realizes she can't compete with a bunch of size 2's and then subsequently gives up, but don't you think that Tyra could go a little easier on them? On second thought, I think I might have just answered my own question.
ANTM will be back in February. Thankfully, we have Project Runway to entertain us in the meantime...
The week in shopping
One. Last. Week. That is, before the after-Christmas sales start!
Going on vacation soon? Stock up on swimsuits for $80 (one-piece) or $50 (bikinis) from Malia Mills. 12/18-12/20; 10-7; 263 W. 38th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 16th fl.
Lewis Cho makes feminine but low-key pieces; at this sale, they're mostly under $100. 12/19-12/20; noon-7; 225 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 701.
Hit Vivienne Westwood, Lauren Felton, and Iodice for major markdowns; prices start at $50. 12/18-12/21; 10-8; 33 Little West 12th St. (9th Ave. & Washington St.), ste. 213.
Clothingline still has Iisli knits, separates from AKA and Mischen, Gusto and Kooba bags, and more season-end stuff. 12/18-12/21; 10-6 Wed. & Fri., 10-7 Tue. & Thurs.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Semiprecious jewelry from Slane & Slane is now 50%-60% off. 12/19-12/20; 10-6; 48 W. 25th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 11th fl.
Sunner's cute separates, coats, and more (normally found at Barneys Co-op) are up to 85% off (think $25 and up). 12/18-12/20; 8:30-7; 265 W. 37th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 9th fl.
Argento Vivo's generally pleasing sterling-silver gewelry is $5-$100. Through 12/21; 9:30-5:30; 15 W. 37th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 7th fl.
You can reportedly score bags and accessories from Gucci, Dior, and Balenciaga for 60% off at this sale; no word as to how legit it is. 12/18-12/19; 9:30-6; 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 10th fl.
Find last-minute gifts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Store for 20%-50% off. 12/20-1/31; call 800-468-7386 for store hours & locations.
For luxe but not-so-flashy Italian clothing and accessories, hit Ferragamo and save 35%-40%. Through 1/6; 10-8, noon-6 Sun.; 665 Fifth Ave. (at 52nd St.).
The recent freezing weather in NYC is enough to make you want to wear fur; if that's the case, hit Adrienne Landau for major savings. 12/18-12/19; 9:30-6;519 8th Ave. (at 36th St.), 21st fl.
Prairie New York's sweet tops and separates are 70% off; dresses start at $65. Cash only. Through 12/21; noon-7, noon-5 Fri.; 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 406.
Treat yourself to a New Year's Eve look from Pilar Rossi; prices are 40%-60% off (note: still in the mid three figures). Through 1/31; 10:30-6:30 (closed Sundays); 784 Madison Ave. (at 67th St.).
Armand Diradourian has a funny name but awesome gifty cashmeres. Through 12/21; noon-6; 19 W. 21st St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 1001.
One. Last. Week. That is, before the after-Christmas sales start!
Going on vacation soon? Stock up on swimsuits for $80 (one-piece) or $50 (bikinis) from Malia Mills. 12/18-12/20; 10-7; 263 W. 38th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 16th fl.
Lewis Cho makes feminine but low-key pieces; at this sale, they're mostly under $100. 12/19-12/20; noon-7; 225 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 701.
Hit Vivienne Westwood, Lauren Felton, and Iodice for major markdowns; prices start at $50. 12/18-12/21; 10-8; 33 Little West 12th St. (9th Ave. & Washington St.), ste. 213.
Clothingline still has Iisli knits, separates from AKA and Mischen, Gusto and Kooba bags, and more season-end stuff. 12/18-12/21; 10-6 Wed. & Fri., 10-7 Tue. & Thurs.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Semiprecious jewelry from Slane & Slane is now 50%-60% off. 12/19-12/20; 10-6; 48 W. 25th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 11th fl.
Sunner's cute separates, coats, and more (normally found at Barneys Co-op) are up to 85% off (think $25 and up). 12/18-12/20; 8:30-7; 265 W. 37th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 9th fl.
Argento Vivo's generally pleasing sterling-silver gewelry is $5-$100. Through 12/21; 9:30-5:30; 15 W. 37th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 7th fl.
You can reportedly score bags and accessories from Gucci, Dior, and Balenciaga for 60% off at this sale; no word as to how legit it is. 12/18-12/19; 9:30-6; 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 10th fl.
Find last-minute gifts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Store for 20%-50% off. 12/20-1/31; call 800-468-7386 for store hours & locations.
For luxe but not-so-flashy Italian clothing and accessories, hit Ferragamo and save 35%-40%. Through 1/6; 10-8, noon-6 Sun.; 665 Fifth Ave. (at 52nd St.).
The recent freezing weather in NYC is enough to make you want to wear fur; if that's the case, hit Adrienne Landau for major savings. 12/18-12/19; 9:30-6;519 8th Ave. (at 36th St.), 21st fl.
Prairie New York's sweet tops and separates are 70% off; dresses start at $65. Cash only. Through 12/21; noon-7, noon-5 Fri.; 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 406.
Treat yourself to a New Year's Eve look from Pilar Rossi; prices are 40%-60% off (note: still in the mid three figures). Through 1/31; 10:30-6:30 (closed Sundays); 784 Madison Ave. (at 67th St.).
Armand Diradourian has a funny name but awesome gifty cashmeres. Through 12/21; noon-6; 19 W. 21st St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 1001.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Objects of Desire: party dresses
I hate New Year's Eve. There's always so much pressure to have a great time, and maybe that pressure gets to people, because everyone always seems to get shitfaced. And unless you like paying a ridiculous cover charge at a bar/club (or shelling out for a five-course meal), if you're like me, you tend to end up at a house party, which can be totally fun--MW and I threw an impromptu bash last year that I thought was going to be awful up until 7 p.m., but once I stopped worrying, it ended up being a pretty good party. Or, the opposite can happen, which was the case my senior year in college (the millennial new year, so there was even more pressure than usual), when I ended up in the apartment of a girl who totally hated me--there's nothing like ringing in the new year with a girl who thinks you're a bitch because you were the editor of a magazine that ran a story on the star of her musical, not the whole musical itself. Ahem. Anyway, at least there's one thing you can control on New Year's Eve, and that would be how fabulous you look. Here are some of my favorite party dresses, most of which are out of my price range, but, hey, a girl can dream.
The little black dress is always a smart choice for New Year's, especially because you can always wear an LBD again. This Foley + Corinna rhinestone-trim dress has a retro look that's on the trendy side right now, but my inner lazy girl likes the fact that due to the rhinestones, you don't have to worry about wearing jewelry with it.

I wore my Erin Fetherston bunny dress to my company's holiday party last week, and while I was worried that the dress was too girly for me, all of my coworkers assured me that I am, in fact, girly. I had no idea; I always considered myself more gamine. But I guess that explains why I like this ultra-feminine Notte By Marchesa lace babydoll dress.

If you are single and looking to, well, mingle, I don't know that I'd recommend a 3.1 Phillip Lim dress such as this one--women love them, but men tend to find them a bit shapeless. Then again, this strapless dress is hot and the flyaway panel will draw attention to your boobs. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

This M Missoni swing dress is totally me--in fact, I own something very similar. The knit fabric is comfy and will allow you to drink and eat to your heart's content, but there's enough sparkle to still be festive. Add black tights and heels and you're good to go.

Alice + Olivia's sequined minidresses are ubiquitous for a reason--they're simple, they're flattering, and they're accessible. I like this pink one especially, because its color is a nice change from basic black and the warm tone will look good with a range of skin tones.

Of course, all of these dresses are way out of my New Year's budget, so I'll probably end up doing what I usually do, which is buy something at Forever 21. This beaded dress is chic, simple, roomy, a little girly, and, most importantly, $35, so if I spill red wine on it, I won't be heartbroken. Sold!
I hate New Year's Eve. There's always so much pressure to have a great time, and maybe that pressure gets to people, because everyone always seems to get shitfaced. And unless you like paying a ridiculous cover charge at a bar/club (or shelling out for a five-course meal), if you're like me, you tend to end up at a house party, which can be totally fun--MW and I threw an impromptu bash last year that I thought was going to be awful up until 7 p.m., but once I stopped worrying, it ended up being a pretty good party. Or, the opposite can happen, which was the case my senior year in college (the millennial new year, so there was even more pressure than usual), when I ended up in the apartment of a girl who totally hated me--there's nothing like ringing in the new year with a girl who thinks you're a bitch because you were the editor of a magazine that ran a story on the star of her musical, not the whole musical itself. Ahem. Anyway, at least there's one thing you can control on New Year's Eve, and that would be how fabulous you look. Here are some of my favorite party dresses, most of which are out of my price range, but, hey, a girl can dream.
The little black dress is always a smart choice for New Year's, especially because you can always wear an LBD again. This Foley + Corinna rhinestone-trim dress has a retro look that's on the trendy side right now, but my inner lazy girl likes the fact that due to the rhinestones, you don't have to worry about wearing jewelry with it.

I wore my Erin Fetherston bunny dress to my company's holiday party last week, and while I was worried that the dress was too girly for me, all of my coworkers assured me that I am, in fact, girly. I had no idea; I always considered myself more gamine. But I guess that explains why I like this ultra-feminine Notte By Marchesa lace babydoll dress.

If you are single and looking to, well, mingle, I don't know that I'd recommend a 3.1 Phillip Lim dress such as this one--women love them, but men tend to find them a bit shapeless. Then again, this strapless dress is hot and the flyaway panel will draw attention to your boobs. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

This M Missoni swing dress is totally me--in fact, I own something very similar. The knit fabric is comfy and will allow you to drink and eat to your heart's content, but there's enough sparkle to still be festive. Add black tights and heels and you're good to go.

Alice + Olivia's sequined minidresses are ubiquitous for a reason--they're simple, they're flattering, and they're accessible. I like this pink one especially, because its color is a nice change from basic black and the warm tone will look good with a range of skin tones.

Of course, all of these dresses are way out of my New Year's budget, so I'll probably end up doing what I usually do, which is buy something at Forever 21. This beaded dress is chic, simple, roomy, a little girly, and, most importantly, $35, so if I spill red wine on it, I won't be heartbroken. Sold!

Monday, December 10, 2007
The week in shopping
Sorry I went AWOL toward the end of last week--holiday parties were calling my name. But here I am, back to guide you through the last two weeks of shopping before Christmas. Brace yourselves!
Proenza Schouler's clothes and accessories were $325-$3,500; they're $80-$875 at this markdown-tastic sale. 12/13-12/14; 9-6; 120 Walker St. (Centre & Baxter Sts.), 6th fl.
Diane von Furstenberg. Need I say more? Okay, how about up to 75% off? Through 12/15; 9-6 Tue., 10-7 Wed. & Thurs., 9-5 Fri., 10-3 Sat.; 260 5th Ave. (28th & 29th Sts.).
Not dirt-cheap but always full of unique pieces, Showroom Seven has Sue Stemp, Issa London, and other super-hip labels at wholesale and below. Through 12/15; 9-7; 498 7th Ave. (36th & 37th Sts.), 24th fl.
California-cool Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent and Oprah fave Adampluseve are up to 80% off. 12/13-12/15; 8-8 Thurs., 10-8 Fri., 11-7 Sat.; 145 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Mulberry's well-made, non-flashy bags and clothes are up to 70% off. 12/12-12/13; 10-7; Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 5th fl.
Get gussied up for the holidays with Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci, Judith Leiber, and Rena Lange for up to 85% off. 12/14-12/16; 9-6:30; 317 W. 33rd St. (8th & 9th Aves.).
Girly Eberjey lingerie and swimwear is 50%-75% off. 12/11-12/12; 9-7 Tue., 9-5 Wed.; 183 Madison Ave. (at 34th St.), ste. 610.
One of my favorite jewelers (and a CFDA Fashion Fund winner), Philip Crangi's jewelry is about 75% off. Ahem, MW. 12/13-12/15; 11-7, noon-7 Sat.; 147 W. 29th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 5th fl.
Iisli and Tory Burch are 60% off (yes, including the flats) at Clothingline. 12/12-12/15; 10-6 Wed. & Fri., 10-7 Thurs., 10-4 Sat.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Colette Malouf's mega-chic hair accessories are at least 50% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-7; 594 Broadway (Houston & Prince Sts.), ste. 305.
Chic wares from Cass Guy and Burwell are 50%-75% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-7; 265 W. 37th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 21st fl.
Trendy Yaya Aflalo and Love Yaya separates are at below-wholesale prices. Through 12/14; 10-6; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.), 7th fl.
Castle Starr's current collection is 50% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-6; 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 10th fl.
Elijah and James Coviello are up to 50% off wholesale. 12/11-12/13; 11-8; 213 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 903.
Fresh Ink's men's and women's denim is up to 80% off. 12/12-12/14; 10-6, 10-5 Fri.; 264 W. 40th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 3rd fl.
Lola Hats are $45-$140 at this cash-only sale. 12/11-12/13; 10-7; 535 8th Ave. (36th & 37th Sts.), 20th fl.
You know the Vera Wang drill: Wedding gowns for 30%-70% off; crazy brides abound. 12/15; 8-5; New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Ave. (34th & 35th Sts.).
Bargains abound at the Calypso outlet store, like Tufi Duek dresses for $50! Through 12/23; 11-7, noon-6 Sun.; 426 Broome St. (Lafayette & Crosby Sts.).
Eugenia Kim's funky chapeaux are up to 70% off. 12/12-12/15; 10-8, noon-6 Sat.; 347 W. 36th St. (8th & 9th Aves.), ste. 502.
Wendy Mink's precious and semiprecious jewelry is up to 80% off. Hello, gifts! 12/13-12/15; 4-7, noon-5 Sat.; 65 N. Moore St. (Greenwich & Hudson Sts.), 2nd fl.
Men's and women's fall/winter clothes are 30%-50% off at Diesel. Through 12/21; 1 Union Square West (at 14th St.), 135 Spring St. (at Wooster), 770 Lex (at 60th St.).
Blumarine's resort line is roughly 70% off (still in the mid three figures) at this one-day-only sale. 12/17; 10-6; 37 W. 57th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 9th fl.
Outerwear from Kenneth Cole Reaction and Chaus is mostly under $100. 12/11-12/14; 10-6; 519 8th Ave. (at 36th St.), 6th fl.
Hit Project Runway alum Emmett McCarthy's EMc2 store for 20% off dresses, 30% off coats, and 40% off shoes. 12/14-12/16; 11-7, noon-6 Sun.; 240 Elizabeth St. (Prince & Houston).
Take mom to St. John: Signature knits are more than 50% off for her; free cocktails for you! 12/13; 10-8; 665 5th Ave. (at 53rd St.).
For the streetwear enthusiasts out there, Ecko, Cut & Sew, and Zoo York are up to 75% off. Through 12/31; 9-9, 11-7 Sun.; 655 6th Ave. (at 21st St.).
Chloe & Reese dresses are 30% off. Through 12/13; 4-8; 330 W. 38th St. (8th & 9th Aves.), loft 1004.
Gerard Yosca's designer jewelry is 50%-70% off. 12/11-12/13; 10-6, 10-1 Thurs.; 39 W. 38th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 7th fl.
Buddhist Punk, Religion, and Emilio Cavallini are $150 and under at this sale. Through 10/14; 10-6; 230 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 13th fl.
Pomegranate Gallery's fancy jewelry is 50% off. 12/13-12/16; noon-8 Thurs., noon-6 Fri.-Sun.; 133 Greene St. (Houston & Prince Sts.).
Dorian Webb's semiprecious jewelry is 60%-70% off. 12/12-12/14; 10-6; 259 W. 30th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 801.
Perlina's leather handbags are now under $100. Through 12/14; 9-6, 9-3 Fri.; 10 W. 33rd St. (5th & Broadway).
Sorry I went AWOL toward the end of last week--holiday parties were calling my name. But here I am, back to guide you through the last two weeks of shopping before Christmas. Brace yourselves!
Proenza Schouler's clothes and accessories were $325-$3,500; they're $80-$875 at this markdown-tastic sale. 12/13-12/14; 9-6; 120 Walker St. (Centre & Baxter Sts.), 6th fl.
Diane von Furstenberg. Need I say more? Okay, how about up to 75% off? Through 12/15; 9-6 Tue., 10-7 Wed. & Thurs., 9-5 Fri., 10-3 Sat.; 260 5th Ave. (28th & 29th Sts.).
Not dirt-cheap but always full of unique pieces, Showroom Seven has Sue Stemp, Issa London, and other super-hip labels at wholesale and below. Through 12/15; 9-7; 498 7th Ave. (36th & 37th Sts.), 24th fl.
California-cool Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent and Oprah fave Adampluseve are up to 80% off. 12/13-12/15; 8-8 Thurs., 10-8 Fri., 11-7 Sat.; 145 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Mulberry's well-made, non-flashy bags and clothes are up to 70% off. 12/12-12/13; 10-7; Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 5th fl.
Get gussied up for the holidays with Carolina Herrera, Nina Ricci, Judith Leiber, and Rena Lange for up to 85% off. 12/14-12/16; 9-6:30; 317 W. 33rd St. (8th & 9th Aves.).
Girly Eberjey lingerie and swimwear is 50%-75% off. 12/11-12/12; 9-7 Tue., 9-5 Wed.; 183 Madison Ave. (at 34th St.), ste. 610.
One of my favorite jewelers (and a CFDA Fashion Fund winner), Philip Crangi's jewelry is about 75% off. Ahem, MW. 12/13-12/15; 11-7, noon-7 Sat.; 147 W. 29th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 5th fl.
Iisli and Tory Burch are 60% off (yes, including the flats) at Clothingline. 12/12-12/15; 10-6 Wed. & Fri., 10-7 Thurs., 10-4 Sat.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Colette Malouf's mega-chic hair accessories are at least 50% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-7; 594 Broadway (Houston & Prince Sts.), ste. 305.
Chic wares from Cass Guy and Burwell are 50%-75% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-7; 265 W. 37th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 21st fl.
Trendy Yaya Aflalo and Love Yaya separates are at below-wholesale prices. Through 12/14; 10-6; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.), 7th fl.
Castle Starr's current collection is 50% off. 12/12-12/13; 9-6; 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 10th fl.
Elijah and James Coviello are up to 50% off wholesale. 12/11-12/13; 11-8; 213 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 903.
Fresh Ink's men's and women's denim is up to 80% off. 12/12-12/14; 10-6, 10-5 Fri.; 264 W. 40th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 3rd fl.
Lola Hats are $45-$140 at this cash-only sale. 12/11-12/13; 10-7; 535 8th Ave. (36th & 37th Sts.), 20th fl.
You know the Vera Wang drill: Wedding gowns for 30%-70% off; crazy brides abound. 12/15; 8-5; New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Ave. (34th & 35th Sts.).
Bargains abound at the Calypso outlet store, like Tufi Duek dresses for $50! Through 12/23; 11-7, noon-6 Sun.; 426 Broome St. (Lafayette & Crosby Sts.).
Eugenia Kim's funky chapeaux are up to 70% off. 12/12-12/15; 10-8, noon-6 Sat.; 347 W. 36th St. (8th & 9th Aves.), ste. 502.
Wendy Mink's precious and semiprecious jewelry is up to 80% off. Hello, gifts! 12/13-12/15; 4-7, noon-5 Sat.; 65 N. Moore St. (Greenwich & Hudson Sts.), 2nd fl.
Men's and women's fall/winter clothes are 30%-50% off at Diesel. Through 12/21; 1 Union Square West (at 14th St.), 135 Spring St. (at Wooster), 770 Lex (at 60th St.).
Blumarine's resort line is roughly 70% off (still in the mid three figures) at this one-day-only sale. 12/17; 10-6; 37 W. 57th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 9th fl.
Outerwear from Kenneth Cole Reaction and Chaus is mostly under $100. 12/11-12/14; 10-6; 519 8th Ave. (at 36th St.), 6th fl.
Hit Project Runway alum Emmett McCarthy's EMc2 store for 20% off dresses, 30% off coats, and 40% off shoes. 12/14-12/16; 11-7, noon-6 Sun.; 240 Elizabeth St. (Prince & Houston).
Take mom to St. John: Signature knits are more than 50% off for her; free cocktails for you! 12/13; 10-8; 665 5th Ave. (at 53rd St.).
For the streetwear enthusiasts out there, Ecko, Cut & Sew, and Zoo York are up to 75% off. Through 12/31; 9-9, 11-7 Sun.; 655 6th Ave. (at 21st St.).
Chloe & Reese dresses are 30% off. Through 12/13; 4-8; 330 W. 38th St. (8th & 9th Aves.), loft 1004.
Gerard Yosca's designer jewelry is 50%-70% off. 12/11-12/13; 10-6, 10-1 Thurs.; 39 W. 38th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 7th fl.
Buddhist Punk, Religion, and Emilio Cavallini are $150 and under at this sale. Through 10/14; 10-6; 230 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 13th fl.
Pomegranate Gallery's fancy jewelry is 50% off. 12/13-12/16; noon-8 Thurs., noon-6 Fri.-Sun.; 133 Greene St. (Houston & Prince Sts.).
Dorian Webb's semiprecious jewelry is 60%-70% off. 12/12-12/14; 10-6; 259 W. 30th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 801.
Perlina's leather handbags are now under $100. Through 12/14; 9-6, 9-3 Fri.; 10 W. 33rd St. (5th & Broadway).
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Cheryl Shops...new Soho stores
Four notable new stores have recently opened their doors in Soho, just in time for holiday shopping. Here's what's worth your time...and what's not.
MNG by Mango
In the former Kate's Paperie at Broadway and Prince is Spanish retailer Mango's long-overdue (if you ask me) first NYC store--for some reason, they started rolling out stores in California and the Midwest before finally coming east. Regardless, this is a very exciting development, because I love Mango. Their prices and quality both fall somewhere in between H&M and Zara, and the clothes are trendy without being fashion-victimy. I am also a big fan of their shoes, which are made in Spain, although I was a bit sad to see a pair that I bought while on vacation in Europe this fall--hopefully I won't be seeing them all over the city. The store itself is all black lacquer and mirrors--very 70s disco revival--and, thankfully, way more spacious than its fast-fashion neighbors. When I was there last week, Mango had a lot of sparkly dresses, tops, and accessories, all perfect for the holiday party season.
Madewell's actual two-level store at Broadway and Broome ran into construction delays, but until it opens early next year, you can score the line in a temporary shop in the old Scoop store at Broadway and Spring. An offshoot of J.Crew, Madewell is aimed at a younger, more fashionable customer--think J.Crew meets American Eagle with a little Urban Outfitters thrown in. And while prices are mostly under $100, quality is definitely up to J.Crew's standards. There are some great tissue-weight wool sweaters, gorgeous riding boots that give Frye a run for their money, and simply cut jeans in nice-looking washes. The store is a little densely packed, but in a cozy way. Stop by this Saturday between 3 and 7--Ultragrrrl will be spinning songs to get you in a shopping mood. Of course, the clothes are so cute, you probably won't need much arm-twisting.
You know how they say brand loyalty no longer exists for people of my generation? I beg to differ--this might be a condition of being raised in Chicago, but I am a loyal Crate & Barrel customer. So I was extremely excited for the arrival of CB2, C&B's younger, more modern sibling, and I was not disappointed. Everything is fun and colorful, and unlike its big sister a few blocks north, housewares and furniture are fully mixed together throughout the store. Prices are a bit more expensive than, say, West Elm, but the quality is much better. And unlike West Elm, CB2's employees are engaging and helpful (must be the Midwestern roots). I have my eye on the white leather bed; let's hope Santa is extra-good to me this year.
Muji, the "Japanese IKEA," arrived last month with a healthy dollop of hype--too much hype, if you ask me. I know I'm not a fan of the whole Japanese-minimalism thing, but the store is incredibly drab and dull. Like IKEA, Muji sells all manner of household items, although I didn't see much in the way of furniture; unlike IKEA, however, the prices are not cheap. Like, you're better off taking the bus to Jersey or waiting for the Red Hook store to open. In fact, they had a lot of acrylic organizing-type things that I think might even be cheaper at the Container Store. There are also clothes at Muji; I found them to be kind of boring, on the small side, and, yes, expensive. In fact, according to my coworker, all the price tags have the prices in yen--and apparently there's quite a markup. So I don't think I'll be going back to Muji anytime soon, but thankfully there are enough new stores in Soho to hold my attention!
Four notable new stores have recently opened their doors in Soho, just in time for holiday shopping. Here's what's worth your time...and what's not.
MNG by Mango
In the former Kate's Paperie at Broadway and Prince is Spanish retailer Mango's long-overdue (if you ask me) first NYC store--for some reason, they started rolling out stores in California and the Midwest before finally coming east. Regardless, this is a very exciting development, because I love Mango. Their prices and quality both fall somewhere in between H&M and Zara, and the clothes are trendy without being fashion-victimy. I am also a big fan of their shoes, which are made in Spain, although I was a bit sad to see a pair that I bought while on vacation in Europe this fall--hopefully I won't be seeing them all over the city. The store itself is all black lacquer and mirrors--very 70s disco revival--and, thankfully, way more spacious than its fast-fashion neighbors. When I was there last week, Mango had a lot of sparkly dresses, tops, and accessories, all perfect for the holiday party season.

You know how they say brand loyalty no longer exists for people of my generation? I beg to differ--this might be a condition of being raised in Chicago, but I am a loyal Crate & Barrel customer. So I was extremely excited for the arrival of CB2, C&B's younger, more modern sibling, and I was not disappointed. Everything is fun and colorful, and unlike its big sister a few blocks north, housewares and furniture are fully mixed together throughout the store. Prices are a bit more expensive than, say, West Elm, but the quality is much better. And unlike West Elm, CB2's employees are engaging and helpful (must be the Midwestern roots). I have my eye on the white leather bed; let's hope Santa is extra-good to me this year.

Monday, December 03, 2007
The week in shopping
With so many great sales recently, I've been doing a lot of shopping for myself and not so much for other people. This week is not going to be much of an improvement.
One of my favorite designers, Derek Lam, is roughly 75% off. Need I say more? 12/6-12/7; 10-6; 601 W. 26th St. (11th & 12th Aves.), ste. 1750.
Another one of my favorites, Alexander Wang, has jackets, dresses, and knits for low-to-mid three figures. 12/6-12/9; 307 Thurs., 10-7 Fri.-Sun.; 210 5th Ave. (25th & 26th Sts.), 2nd fl.
Anna Sui's dresses are $130-$164 and tops are $84 at this sale; my coworker JL went today and got three dresses! 12/4-12/14; 8-9:30 a.m., 11:30-2:30 p.m., 4:30-7 p.m. (yeah, I don't get it either); 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Prepare for long lines at the Theory sale at Clothingline. Fall clothes, shoes, outerwear, and accessories are up to 60% off. 12/3-12/8; 10-6, 10-7 Tues. & Thurs.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Simply luxe lingerie and loungewear from Araks is heavily discounted; keep an eye out for $10 and $15 bins too. 12/6-12/7; 8:30-7:30 Thurs., 9--6:30 Fri.; 137 Grand St., 5th fl.
Lambertson Truex shoes, bags, and accessories are up to 80% off. Yowza! Credit cards only. 12/5-12/7; 9-6:30; Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Hanky Panky, my thongs of choice, are $10; sleepwear is $18 and boy shorts are $14. I'm there. 12/4-12/7; 9:30-7, 9:30-1 Fri.; 260 5th Ave. (28th & 29th Sts.).
Botkier's Harley, Cairo, and Sophie bags, plus one-of-a-kind samples are up to 70% off. 12/6-12/9; 10-7, 11-6 weekend; 70 Greene St. (Broome & Spring Sts.).
Cheryl Shops fave Nanette Lepore has feminine dresses, pants, and shoes for $75-$355 (were $165-$825). Through 12/7; 9-6; 225 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Catherine Malandrino's ultra-chic coats, sweaters, dresses, and more are about 60% off (think low three-figures). 12/5-12/7; 8-8 Wed., 10-8 Thurs. & Fri.; 145 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
You can't go wrong with Alice + Olivia's streamlined pieces, which are now about 60% off. 12/4-12/8; 10-7; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.).
Score bags from Jill Stuart, L.A.M.B., Love Collection, and others for 50% off. 12/4-12/5; 8-8 Tues., 8-6 Wed.; 123 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Fall Generra clothes for men and women are 50% off. 12/5-12/7 and 12/10-12/14; 9-7 (closed Sat. & Sun.); 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 5th fl.
Nieves Lavi's pretty prints and silky frocks are mostly under $100 at this incredibly well-priced sale. 12/4-12/7; 9:30-5:30; 234 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 9th fl.
Cheap Monday is even cheaper: jeans are now $30-$70 and jackets are $100. 12/5-12/7; 10-7; 495 Broadway (Spring & Broome Sts.), 5th fl.
Tevrow + Chase makes work-friendly clothes that are now in the low hundreds (at least 50% off). 12/5-12/7; 9:30-5:30; 416 W. 13th St. (9th Ave. & Washington St.), ste. 313.
Feminine Tocca coats, dresses, candles, and more are up to 80% off--worth the schlepp west. 12/6-12/7; noon-7; 542 W. 22nd St. (10th & 11th Aves.), 3rd fl.
Rafe’s Bleecker Street store is no more, but his handbags remain, and now they're up to 70% off. 12/5-12/7; 10-7; 85 5th Ave. (at 16th St.), 12th fl.
Alexis Bittar is a man, and he makes groovy jewelry, which is now 70% off. Cash only. 12/7-12/9; 10-7 Fri., 11-6 Sat., 11-2 Sun.; 147 W. 15th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
If you look like Giselle Bundchen, hit Rosa Chá for tiny swimsuits at $40 and under. Cash only. 12/6-12/7; 10-7; 52 Walker St. (at Broadway), 5th fl. (212-966-5110); cash only; 12/6 and 12/7 (10–7).
Because it's apparently never a bad time to buy a bridal gown, Saks has Vera Wang, Reem Acra, Monique Lhuillier, and other tony labels for 50%-70% off. Through 12/5; 10-8:30; Saks Fifth Avenue, 611 5th Ave. (49th & 50th Sts.), 3rd fl.
James Jeans are $90 (cords are $75 and minis are $25) at this sale. 12/4-12/6; 10-7, 10-2 Fri.; 500 Greenwich St. (at Spring St.), #202.
Going on vacay soon? Hit J Rosen for Vix Swimwear, Lisa Curran, and beachy accessories. Cash only. Through 12/14; 9-8 (closed weekends); 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 510.
Cute women's shoes are under $50 at the Matt Bernson sample sale. 12/5-12/7; noon-8; 434 Greenwich St. (at Vestry St.).
Frette's ultra-plush linens are up to 70% off. 12/8-12/12; 9-6:30, 9-5 Wed.; 317 W. 33rd St. (8th & 9th Aves.).
Lauren Merkin's cute bags are up to 70% off. 12/4-12/6; 11-7; 231 W. 29th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 201.
Hats by Tracy Watts are 60% off. 12/6-12/7; 11-7; 305 W. 20th St.(8th & 9th Aves.).
Gift-friendly Italian cashmere from Portolano at wholesale prices (plus leather and silk too). Fab. Through 12/21; 10-6 (closed weekends); 15 W. 37th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 11th fl.
Linda Derector's stock of vintage eyewear is 50% off. 12/4-12/9; noon-7 (closed Mon.); 211 Mott St. (at Prince St.).
Yaya Aflalo and Love Yaya's luxe knitwear are wholesale and below. Through 12/7; 10-6; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.).
Hollywould's fall collection is up to 40% off. Through 12/15; 11:30-7, noon-5 Sun.; 198 Elizabeth St. (Prince & Spring Sts.).
Hayden-Harnett clothes, bags, accessories, and outerwear are 30%-80% off. 12/4-12/6; 11-7; 16 W. 36th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 501.
Have a drink and buy some shoes from Eileen Shields for 65% off. 12/5; 5-7 p.m.; Grape & Grain, 620 E. 6th St.
Nolita boutique GirlCat is hosting a multi-designer sale, with Ananas handbags for 7-% off, plus Delman shoes, Yoanna Baraschi tops, and Belabumbum lingerie. 12/6-12/9; 9-8, 10-7 Sat.; 167 Elizabeth St. (near Prince St.).
New store Blue & Cream is already having a sale with Jenni Kayne, Twelfth Street, and other hot designers for 50% off. 12/3-12/9; 11-7, 11-8 Fri., 10-8 Sat. & Sun.; 1 E. 1st St. (at Bowery).
All manner of fur and accessories from Adrienne Landau is about 65% off. 12/4-12/5; 9:30-6:30 Tue., 9:30-6 Wed.; 519 8th Ave. (35th & 36th St.), 21st St.
Fall Kooba handbags are 50%-60% off. 12/4; 11-2; 141 W. 36th St. (7th Ave. & Broadway), 6th fl.
Alain Mikli's designer eyewear is $45-$95. 12/4-12/7; 9-5:45, 9-5 Fri.; 264 W. 40th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Downtown-gal handbags are 50% off at Felix Rey's sale. 12/6-12/7; 11-7; 611 Broadway (Houston & Bleecker Sts.), ste. 838.
Autumn Cashmere has gifts galore for under $200. 12/4-12/7, 12/10-12/14; 9-7 this week, 10-6 next week; 231 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 924.
Current- and past-season dresses and tops from Mara Hoffman are about 65% off. 12/6-12/8; 10-6, 11-6 Sat.; 120 W. 28th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Resurrection rarely has sales, but you can take 15% off their entire stock (including Katy Rodriguez's line). Through 12/24; 11-7, noon-7 Sun.; 217 Mott St. (Prince & Spring Sts.).
Qi Cashmere has knits for about 60% off ($200 and under). Through 12/7; 10-7; 224 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 1008A.
Glam Pilar Rossi gowns are 40%-60% off (still $600 and up). Through 12/10; 10:30-6:30 (closed Sun.).; 784 Madison Ave. (at 67th St.).
LAI animal-skin bags are roughly 50% off--and go up to four figures. 12/4-12/6; 10-6; 12 W. 57th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 403.
Bags from Adrienne Vittadini, Hype, and Rampage are under $100 at this sale. 12/5-12/6; 8:30-6:30; 320 5th Ave. (32nd & 33rd Sts.), 9th fl.
With so many great sales recently, I've been doing a lot of shopping for myself and not so much for other people. This week is not going to be much of an improvement.
One of my favorite designers, Derek Lam, is roughly 75% off. Need I say more? 12/6-12/7; 10-6; 601 W. 26th St. (11th & 12th Aves.), ste. 1750.
Another one of my favorites, Alexander Wang, has jackets, dresses, and knits for low-to-mid three figures. 12/6-12/9; 307 Thurs., 10-7 Fri.-Sun.; 210 5th Ave. (25th & 26th Sts.), 2nd fl.
Anna Sui's dresses are $130-$164 and tops are $84 at this sale; my coworker JL went today and got three dresses! 12/4-12/14; 8-9:30 a.m., 11:30-2:30 p.m., 4:30-7 p.m. (yeah, I don't get it either); 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Prepare for long lines at the Theory sale at Clothingline. Fall clothes, shoes, outerwear, and accessories are up to 60% off. 12/3-12/8; 10-6, 10-7 Tues. & Thurs.; 261 W. 36th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Simply luxe lingerie and loungewear from Araks is heavily discounted; keep an eye out for $10 and $15 bins too. 12/6-12/7; 8:30-7:30 Thurs., 9--6:30 Fri.; 137 Grand St., 5th fl.
Lambertson Truex shoes, bags, and accessories are up to 80% off. Yowza! Credit cards only. 12/5-12/7; 9-6:30; Metropolitan Pavilion, 123 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Hanky Panky, my thongs of choice, are $10; sleepwear is $18 and boy shorts are $14. I'm there. 12/4-12/7; 9:30-7, 9:30-1 Fri.; 260 5th Ave. (28th & 29th Sts.).
Botkier's Harley, Cairo, and Sophie bags, plus one-of-a-kind samples are up to 70% off. 12/6-12/9; 10-7, 11-6 weekend; 70 Greene St. (Broome & Spring Sts.).
Cheryl Shops fave Nanette Lepore has feminine dresses, pants, and shoes for $75-$355 (were $165-$825). Through 12/7; 9-6; 225 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Catherine Malandrino's ultra-chic coats, sweaters, dresses, and more are about 60% off (think low three-figures). 12/5-12/7; 8-8 Wed., 10-8 Thurs. & Fri.; 145 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
You can't go wrong with Alice + Olivia's streamlined pieces, which are now about 60% off. 12/4-12/8; 10-7; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.).
Score bags from Jill Stuart, L.A.M.B., Love Collection, and others for 50% off. 12/4-12/5; 8-8 Tues., 8-6 Wed.; 123 W. 18th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
Fall Generra clothes for men and women are 50% off. 12/5-12/7 and 12/10-12/14; 9-7 (closed Sat. & Sun.); 275 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 5th fl.
Nieves Lavi's pretty prints and silky frocks are mostly under $100 at this incredibly well-priced sale. 12/4-12/7; 9:30-5:30; 234 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), 9th fl.
Cheap Monday is even cheaper: jeans are now $30-$70 and jackets are $100. 12/5-12/7; 10-7; 495 Broadway (Spring & Broome Sts.), 5th fl.
Tevrow + Chase makes work-friendly clothes that are now in the low hundreds (at least 50% off). 12/5-12/7; 9:30-5:30; 416 W. 13th St. (9th Ave. & Washington St.), ste. 313.
Feminine Tocca coats, dresses, candles, and more are up to 80% off--worth the schlepp west. 12/6-12/7; noon-7; 542 W. 22nd St. (10th & 11th Aves.), 3rd fl.
Rafe’s Bleecker Street store is no more, but his handbags remain, and now they're up to 70% off. 12/5-12/7; 10-7; 85 5th Ave. (at 16th St.), 12th fl.
Alexis Bittar is a man, and he makes groovy jewelry, which is now 70% off. Cash only. 12/7-12/9; 10-7 Fri., 11-6 Sat., 11-2 Sun.; 147 W. 15th St. (6th & 7th Aves.).
If you look like Giselle Bundchen, hit Rosa Chá for tiny swimsuits at $40 and under. Cash only. 12/6-12/7; 10-7; 52 Walker St. (at Broadway), 5th fl. (212-966-5110); cash only; 12/6 and 12/7 (10–7).
Because it's apparently never a bad time to buy a bridal gown, Saks has Vera Wang, Reem Acra, Monique Lhuillier, and other tony labels for 50%-70% off. Through 12/5; 10-8:30; Saks Fifth Avenue, 611 5th Ave. (49th & 50th Sts.), 3rd fl.
James Jeans are $90 (cords are $75 and minis are $25) at this sale. 12/4-12/6; 10-7, 10-2 Fri.; 500 Greenwich St. (at Spring St.), #202.
Going on vacay soon? Hit J Rosen for Vix Swimwear, Lisa Curran, and beachy accessories. Cash only. Through 12/14; 9-8 (closed weekends); 250 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 510.
Cute women's shoes are under $50 at the Matt Bernson sample sale. 12/5-12/7; noon-8; 434 Greenwich St. (at Vestry St.).
Frette's ultra-plush linens are up to 70% off. 12/8-12/12; 9-6:30, 9-5 Wed.; 317 W. 33rd St. (8th & 9th Aves.).
Lauren Merkin's cute bags are up to 70% off. 12/4-12/6; 11-7; 231 W. 29th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 201.
Hats by Tracy Watts are 60% off. 12/6-12/7; 11-7; 305 W. 20th St.(8th & 9th Aves.).
Gift-friendly Italian cashmere from Portolano at wholesale prices (plus leather and silk too). Fab. Through 12/21; 10-6 (closed weekends); 15 W. 37th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), 11th fl.
Linda Derector's stock of vintage eyewear is 50% off. 12/4-12/9; noon-7 (closed Mon.); 211 Mott St. (at Prince St.).
Yaya Aflalo and Love Yaya's luxe knitwear are wholesale and below. Through 12/7; 10-6; 80 W. 40th St. (at 6th Ave.).
Hollywould's fall collection is up to 40% off. Through 12/15; 11:30-7, noon-5 Sun.; 198 Elizabeth St. (Prince & Spring Sts.).
Hayden-Harnett clothes, bags, accessories, and outerwear are 30%-80% off. 12/4-12/6; 11-7; 16 W. 36th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 501.
Have a drink and buy some shoes from Eileen Shields for 65% off. 12/5; 5-7 p.m.; Grape & Grain, 620 E. 6th St.
Nolita boutique GirlCat is hosting a multi-designer sale, with Ananas handbags for 7-% off, plus Delman shoes, Yoanna Baraschi tops, and Belabumbum lingerie. 12/6-12/9; 9-8, 10-7 Sat.; 167 Elizabeth St. (near Prince St.).
New store Blue & Cream is already having a sale with Jenni Kayne, Twelfth Street, and other hot designers for 50% off. 12/3-12/9; 11-7, 11-8 Fri., 10-8 Sat. & Sun.; 1 E. 1st St. (at Bowery).
All manner of fur and accessories from Adrienne Landau is about 65% off. 12/4-12/5; 9:30-6:30 Tue., 9:30-6 Wed.; 519 8th Ave. (35th & 36th St.), 21st St.
Fall Kooba handbags are 50%-60% off. 12/4; 11-2; 141 W. 36th St. (7th Ave. & Broadway), 6th fl.
Alain Mikli's designer eyewear is $45-$95. 12/4-12/7; 9-5:45, 9-5 Fri.; 264 W. 40th St. (7th & 8th Aves.).
Downtown-gal handbags are 50% off at Felix Rey's sale. 12/6-12/7; 11-7; 611 Broadway (Houston & Bleecker Sts.), ste. 838.
Autumn Cashmere has gifts galore for under $200. 12/4-12/7, 12/10-12/14; 9-7 this week, 10-6 next week; 231 W. 39th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 924.
Current- and past-season dresses and tops from Mara Hoffman are about 65% off. 12/6-12/8; 10-6, 11-6 Sat.; 120 W. 28th St. (6th & 7th Aves.), 2nd fl.
Resurrection rarely has sales, but you can take 15% off their entire stock (including Katy Rodriguez's line). Through 12/24; 11-7, noon-7 Sun.; 217 Mott St. (Prince & Spring Sts.).
Qi Cashmere has knits for about 60% off ($200 and under). Through 12/7; 10-7; 224 W. 35th St. (7th & 8th Aves.), ste. 1008A.
Glam Pilar Rossi gowns are 40%-60% off (still $600 and up). Through 12/10; 10:30-6:30 (closed Sun.).; 784 Madison Ave. (at 67th St.).
LAI animal-skin bags are roughly 50% off--and go up to four figures. 12/4-12/6; 10-6; 12 W. 57th St. (5th & 6th Aves.), ste. 403.
Bags from Adrienne Vittadini, Hype, and Rampage are under $100 at this sale. 12/5-12/6; 8:30-6:30; 320 5th Ave. (32nd & 33rd Sts.), 9th fl.
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