And because I love Bravo so much--well, and because of the writers' strike, there's nothing else on TV--I'm also watching Make Me A Supermodel. Hosted by Niki Taylor and Tyson Beckford, the show features both male and female contestants competing to become a supermodel, but the twist is that viewers get to vote via text message who gets kicked off each week, a la American Idol. Yes, it sounds gimmicky, but after two episodes, I think I can vouch that it's far superior to America's Next Top Model. First of all, it's shot on film (as opposed to ANTM's video), which just makes it look classier. Secondly, the format is pretty staightforward: Every week, there's a photo shoot, a runway walk, and a body assessment (more on that later)--no "acting," no b.s. psychobabble, no nepotism. Okay, Tyson is a bit of a diva, but nowhere near as bad as Tyra Banks, and Niki balances him out in a good-cop-bad-cop way. And instead of washed-up old supermodels and "noted fashion photographers," the judges include the head of New York models and a top casting agent. As for the weekly measurements, yes, it's harsh, but so is the modeling industry--clients are way more outspoken and judgmental, and it's something models deal with on a daily basis; I'm actually surprised Tyra doesn't make more of a fuss about this on ANTM, but then again, it's not like any of the winners are actual working models. Which is a fate that hopefully won't fail the winner of Make Me A Supermodel--and at this point, I'm betting it's Jacki. Anyone else care to weigh in?
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