America's Next Top Model vs. Project Runway
So, does anyone else think it's a coincidence that the challenge on
America's Next Top Model last night--the same night on which the new season of
Project Runway was debuting--was a very
Project Runway-esque situation in which the contestants had to serve as muses to FIDM students, then parade down the runway in their respective creations? The difference between the shows, however, is that while Jenna's punk-rock getup clearly would've won on Project Runway, Saleisha and her Halloween costume took the prize on ANTM. Gross. Of course, the low point in the episode came when Tyra told the contestants they were all going to China--Yay! Ninjas! (wait, aren't they Japanese?) Screaming! Jumping up and down! Chinese lions! Gongs!--
except, that is, the girl who's going home. Which turned out to be the long-past-her-expiration-date Ambreal, who nonetheless took it like a champ. Also, I'd like to know how the "green" theme of this "cycle" is going to work with their trip to China, home of lead-based paint.
As for
Project Runway, I think everyone was a bit worried that the show had jumped the proverbial shark, but with the exception of Tim Gunn's catchphrases sounding almost like a parody now (I expected him to throw in a "Where's Andrae?" just for old time's sake), I think this season is going to be awesome. We have Elisa, the kooky earth-mother hippie; Christian, the cocky kid straight out of design school; Ricky, the gay Mexican lingerie designer; and Chris, the crazy-costume designer. And while I supported Rami's win, I worry that he's going to be a one-trick pony, and that everything he designs is going to have that goddess-like draped look. I was much more intrigued by Victorya's tent dress, which was very Lanvin-esque, and so I'm keeping my eye on her this season. I just hope the show is as good the Bravo website--if you're in need of procrastination tools, I highly recommend checking out all the blogs and interactive features there--but based on the first episode, I say so far, so good.
1 comment
I agree. I think PR will be great this season. That show is like crack for me.
Perhaps as the season moves forward, what makes us all love Tim Gunn will make us forget the superfical chesse we have to deal as people get aquainted.
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