Also, two awesome sales of note for this weekend:
Down Under wonderland Elizabeth Charles is holding its annual warehouse sale through Sunday. Prices are up to 90% off, there's a $10 rack, and for those who aren't able to trek out to the West Village, the sale is available online too. Through 1/28; 639 1/2 Hudson St. (Horatio & Gansevoort Sts.).
And a sale I'm so excited about, I can hardly contain myself: Daryl K's warehouse sale! Prices are up to 90% off, there are $25 sample bins, and free mimosas for everyone! 1/27-1/28; 10-8; 21 Bond St. (Bowery & Lafayette St.).
A Daryl K sale and I missed it?! Please tell me it was awful and there was nothing there.
Let me put it this way: If the clothes--fall 2006, btw--were any cheaper, they would've been giving them away. Sorry you missed it. :(
Oh now that is just MEAN. (Rips out hair.)
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