I don't often get the chance to travel for work.... and when the opportunity does happen to come along, I usually try to get out of it. Call me lazy, but the hassle of traveling – packing, airport crowds, flying anxiety, plane-wrinkled clothing, post-travel expense reporting – serves as a huge turn-off for me, and makes me want to channel my inner hermit and curl up in bed. Luckily, I'm sane enough that I'll force myself to suck it up and go anyway – and I always end up having a fabulous time – but that doesn't make the more irritating parts of traveling any less annoying. Need Supply's latest "Go Explore" capsule collection seems to have been created with gals like me in mind – people who enjoy exploring, but just need a little inspiration and a push in the right direction. In this case, that happens to be a very laid-back, stylish yet comfortable direction. The online retailer has teamed up with some of its favorite indie designers – Dusen Dusen, Collina Strada, and Black Crane – to create a 16-piece travel-friendly collection of apparel and accessories that are bound to banish any curmudgeonly feelings toward travel right out of your system. Wrinkle-resistant shirt dresses, loose-fitting breathable trousers, and fuss-free tops and jackets help give you one less thing to fuss about while you're stuck at the airport. Unfortunately, it can't do anything to alleviate the security line situation, but hey – at least you'll look cute while you wait! — Alexandra Gambardella
Content provided by TheFind in partnership with Cheryl Shops.
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