Why you should get a dog

This post is sponsored by Wellness, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Anecdotally speaking, people have been adopting dogs in record numbers over the last few months, and they're onto something. For one, since we've been staying at home more, it's an ideal situation to both focus on training your dog and bonding with it. For another, having a dog brings a sense of normalcy and stability to your life: you have to feed and exercise it on a very regular schedule, which forces you to take much-needed breaks—and for me, especially, walking my dog, Zuni, has been critical in terms of both my physical and mental health. But most importantly, Zuni and I have an emotional bond that's hard to put into words that don't sound cheesy. But I will try. 

I've known for a long time that motherhood was not for me, but that having a pet was something I could (hopefully) handle. I like to call having a dog "motherhood lite"—a lot of the responsibilities and benefits are similar, but not as weighted. For example, I am responsible for Zuni's health and welfare, so I take her to the vet, make sure she takes her anti-heartworm and flea medication, and I feed her regularly. I also have to train her, so that she knows wrong from right and is a good canine citizen. In return, I get her unconditional love: lots and lots of kisses from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, doggie "hugs" when she leans against me, staring (these are her bids for my attention), and lots of tail wagging, especially when I come home after being gone for a bit. Zuni is not actually human, but she understands a lot of words and probably more of my body language and actions than I realize. I know having a dog is not nearly the same experience as having a child, but it's a very special bond nonetheless. 

A big part of how I care for Zuni is what I feed her. Zuni is an incredibly smart dog with a ton of energy, so we need to make sure her food gives her enough fuel to stay active, mentally and physically, so she can live a long and healthy life. Zuni is a super-picky eater, but she loves Wellness CORE RawRev Wholesome Grains, and since she's a dainty 22 pounds, we feed her the Small Breed recipe. It has a high-protein mix of turkey, spinach, and flaxseed, plus freeze-dried raw bits—we call these "meat marshmallows" because she always eats them first, like kids do with the marshmallows in their cereal. If you have a bigger dog, go for the Original version. 

Having a dog is a lot of work, but it's totally worth it, and especially given the events of the last few months, I wouldn't trade it for anything. So if you're thinking about getting a dog, do it! Just make sure you feed him or her Wellness CORE RawRev Wholesome Grains. ;) 

Click here to learn more about CORE RawRev and save $3 off your purchase!


Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said...

Aww! What a sweet pup! We have two cats and they are both on special food... one is diabetic and one has the start of kidney failure (we found this out for both of them last summer, it was such a bummer!). Pets are like family I think!


Mica said...

Zuni is so cute! And our little pup was our baby until our kids came along - he's referred to as their fluffy brother sometimes! It is a very special bond :) They are a bit rough and tumble for him, he's only a Shih Tzu, but they love him and he likes to sleep in their rooms sometimes!

Hope that you are having a nice weekend :)

Away From Blue

Shelbee on the Edge said...

Cheryl, what a lovely post! Zuni is so adorable and your attachment and love for her is evident in these beautiful photos! I don't think I was quite cut out for motherhood myself but somehow I have 2 kids and no dogs! Wanna trade?! Haha. Thanks so much for sharing and linking up with me!


Makeup Muddle said...

She is such a beautiful puppy! Her eyes are so pretty, and she looks like she's loving her new food! My dog passed away a few years ago, and only now I feel 'ready' for a new friend! xo

Makeup Muddle