Cheryl Shops Topshop
In case you've been living under a rock, today was the
Topshop opening today in Soho. Kate Moss was there, a ribbon was cut, giveaways were given away, and so on. Having heard about ridiculous lines for most of the day, I figured I'd go work out after work, then stroll right in an hour or so before closing. Wrong! This was the line as of 7:45 p.m., taken from the northwest corner of Crosby and Broome. Which leads me to one of my pet peeves about New York City. I know that we, as ultra-competitive type-A New Yorkers, pride ourselves on being the first. But why does that have to involve waiting in line? To go shopping? At a store that will certainly be there tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that? Really, I think the only store worth waiting in line for is the Trader Joe's wine shop, and that's only because I love me some $6 Honey Moon vigionier. So, I did not make it into Topshop today, but I am going to try tomorrow, and if there's still a line tomorrow, I will try again on Saturday. After all, I don't think Topshop is going anywhere.
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