I was killing time at H&M the other day and happened upon something so crazy, I just had to try it on: drop-crotch cropped pants. To give you an idea of how they were designed, I'd say technically they were a cross between knit gauchos and leggings, with a tight calf and baggy upper part. To put it more bluntly, they were MC Hammer, circa 1988, but cropped for summer. Yuck. (The picture at right, the only picture I could find, is a slightly more refined design from Haider Ackermann at Seven New York. The picture at left, well...) Not only are they not flattering, but they make you look like you're wearing a diaper, and unless you have some kind of bizarre fetish, I can't imagine any reason for wearing them. Now, I am not totally opposed to this '80s revival--I like a big belt around my hips, and I am actually not opposed to leggings, as long as they're under a skirt or a dress or a tunic--but I think Hammer Pants are taking it a bit too far. What's next, neon paint-splattered oversized T-shirts with cinched clips? Thus, I must officially declare drop-crotch pants: not so much.
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