My friend BN has a theory about the Booty Fairy. Sort of a Fairy Godmother for single gals, the Booty Fairy determines whether you get some action, so you have to do things to get on her good side, like get your bikini line waxed and wear cute underwear. And I will say, even though lingerie is something that people tend to associate with Valentine's Day, I think it's more fun to buy it for yourself. You know, to encourage the Booty Fairy. A great place to indulge in this practice is Gigi's Closet, a website with a carefully chosen selection of sexy, sensual lingerie. You can browse by category, or if you have something special in mind, search by category, brand, style, size, and/or particular attributes (like "comfortable" or "ruffles"). I'm always a big fan of any lingerie site that allows you to search bras by size, and thankfully Gigi's Closet carries a wide range. Overall, I'd say the selection is slightly to the sexy side of practical, with mid-level brands like Felina and Jezebel, as well as fancier French lines like Simone Perele, Aubade, and Huit.
While I'm more apt to go for something girly like OnGossamer's Avant bra (which, conveniently, links to the matching briefs at the bottom of the page)...

...I feel like men tend to like lingerie that's a bit more overtly sexy, like the Aubade Basier Brulant demi bra. (And, to be honest, I kind of love the tanga that goes with it.)

But if we're talking about things that men like, I've found that side-tie undies, such as Arianne's Venus thong, are quite popular.

I also think there's something totally alluring about a bodysuit, such as this one by Simone Perele.

And remember the episode of Sex and the City when Carrie and Berger have bad sex, so she buys the sexy shoes? Well, here you go.

I don't have a ton of use for the Booty Fairy anymore, since I'm in a long-term relationship and all, but that doesn't mean I don't like treating myself to some lingerie here and there (although 90% of the time, I wear the same bra, by Chantelle--I have it in nude, white, and black). But for those of you who need to please the Booty Fairy, well, start shopping! To get you started, here's a promo code: VDAY15 for 15% off your order through 2/14. Happy Valentine's Day, and may the Booty Fairy be with you!
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