Fashion Week shakeup!
It's only Tuesday, and so far we've had two major bits of Fashion Week news. The first is that Marc Jacobs is slashing his guest list [subscription required] from 2,000 to 700; most of the standing attendees (roughly 200 people) will be employees. I think this is actually admirable--Jacobs and partner Robert Duffy are scaling down their show, as well as canceling their famed after-party, in order to avoid laying off employees. But as someone who's never been invited to a Marc Jacobs show, I find the whole thing quite amusing also. Will he invite any bloggers? What about lower-level fashion editors? Will VIPs be unable to bring their bodyguards/publicists/personal assistants? Will it still be the most glamorous show of the week? Marc Jacobs is the master of hype, and even by declaring that he's over the hype, he's created even more hype. Got that?

The other major Fashion Week news story came today: Starting in September 2010, Fashion Week is moving to Lincoln Center. I am a bit sad about this; with the exception of one ill-advised season at Chelsea Piers, Fashion Week has been at Bryant Park since 1993, and the two are synonymous in my mind. Also, I work a block away from the park, so getting to and from shows is quite convenient for me. Then again, as time goes on, I end up going to more and more off-site shows, so I suppose it won't make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. The new location--details of which aren't 100% clear in terms of layout--will be bigger and, hopefully, since it's not smack in the middle of Midtown, it will be slightly less chaotic. The funny thing, though, is that the Upper West Side has long had a reputation as being totally unstylish; hopefully this will help to change things.

Finally, I've decided to bite the bullet and Twitter during Fashion Week. This will allow me to share random tidbits that might not make it into my show reviews (celeb sightings, behind-the-scenes anecdotes, complaints about how much my feet hurt); if all goes well, I will continue to Twitter random shopping factoids throughout the year. You can follow my Twitterings (or Tweets? Sorry, I'm new to this!) at

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Forget Fashion Week... National ‘clothes swapping’ week starts 20th February!

Today, the Internet’s biggest clothes swapping website is announcing the UK’s first ever National Clothes Swapping Week, which will coincide with London Fashion Week starting on 20th February 2009. Fashion fans everywhere will be urged to dig out their unwanted items and list them on for the busiest and most successful week of clothes swapping in history! The founders of hope to show people that you don’t have to travel to a fashion capital like London, Paris or Milan - or even spend a single penny - to be 100% on-trend. Happy swapping x